Above Ground Pools – Goodall Pools & Spas https://goodallpools.com Your premier Pennsylvania pool & spa company, with locations in Camp Hill, Harrisburg, Lebanon, Carlisle, & Lancaster. Wed, 11 Oct 2023 12:36:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://goodallpools.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/cropped-Goodall_Favicon_square-32x32.png Above Ground Pools – Goodall Pools & Spas https://goodallpools.com 32 32 5 Fantastic Pool Closing Tips to Save You Time and Money https://goodallpools.com/5-pool-closing-tips-save-time-money/ Mon, 02 Oct 2023 12:00:00 +0000 https://goodallpools.com/?p=6220 Alas, pool closing time is approaching. Not only must we bid farewell to the sweet days of summer spent splashing around, but we must close our beautiful swimming pools. 

At Goodall Pools & Spas, we have assembled five fantastic tips to help you close your pool like a pro and save some precious time and money in the process!

1. Proper Planning Prevents Pool Predicaments

Before diving into the pool closing extravaganza, it’s crucial to have a well-thought-out plan. Proper planning prevents predicaments. 

The first step in your plan should be to clean your pool like you’re prepping for a pool party – removing debris, leaves, and any lurking algae. A sparkling pool is a happy pool!

2. Balancing Act: The Pool Chemistry Edition

Chemistry — the magic behind keeping your pool water pristine and inviting! 

To ensure your pool stays in tip-top shape during its winter hibernation, balance those chemical levels like a maestro conducting a symphony. 

At Goodall Pools & Spas, we’ve got the inside scoop on maintaining the perfect pH between 7.4 and 7.6, alongside the ideal total alkalinity. It’s like a chemical tango — balanced and harmonious!

3. Shock It, Don’t Stop It!

No, we’re not talking about shocking your pool with scandalous stories — but a little pool shock treatment can indeed do wonders! 

Shocking your pool ensures that all lingering contaminants take a backseat, allowing your pool to hibernate without fear of unwanted visitors like algae. Say goodbye to the green monsters and hello to a serene pool come spring!

4. Cozy Up: Winter Chemicals Are Your Pool’s Best Friend

Just like a warm blanket on a chilly night, winterizing chemicals are your pool’s best friend during the colder months. 

Adding algaecide can help keep your pool water crystal clear and algae-free throughout winter. Think of it as giving your pool a snug winter sweater — cozy and protected!

5. Cover Your Pool: The Ultimate Pool Blanket Party

Last but certainly not least, give your pool the ultimate “blanket party” with a high-quality cover

A well-fitted pool cover not only keeps debris and leaves out but also retains heat in the water, preventing unnecessary evaporation. Goodall Pools & Spas has the perfect pool covers for your beloved aquatic haven!

Professional Pool Closing with Goodall Pools & Spas

Another option that many conscientious pool owners from our customer family consider is professional pool closing service with Goodall Pools & Spas.

At Goodall, we take pride in being a full-service pool company, catering to all your swimming pool needs. 

Our family-owned and operated business with five locations in Pennsylvania has been recognized as a Top 50 Pool Builder and Top 50 Service Company by Pool and Spa News. So when it comes to pool closing, we’ve got you covered.

Our pool closing service at Goodall Pools & Spas encompasses a comprehensive set of tasks to ensure your pool is well-protected during the winter months. 

Our expert technicians handle everything, including the removal of ladders and handrails, lowering the water level to the recommended mark, and expertly blowing and plugging the plumbing lines to safeguard against freezing. 

We take care of winterizing the pump, filter, and heater (if applicable) with utmost precision, ensuring they stay in top condition throughout the off-season. 

Finally, our team expertly installs a high-quality cover, snugly wrapping up your pool like a cozy blanket, shielding it from debris, and retaining heat to prevent unnecessary evaporation. 

With our pool closing service, you can rest assured that your beloved aquatic haven will be ready for a splendid splash when warmer days return!

Closing your pool may be bittersweet, but with our pool closing tips and our professional pool closing service, it’s a breeze. 

Stop by one of our five Pennsylvania locations, or reach out online today.

Above-Ground Pools and Hot Tubs: Catch Great End-of-Season Deals! https://goodallpools.com/above-ground-pools-and-hot-tubs-catch-great-end-of-season-deals/ Mon, 05 Sep 2022 16:00:00 +0000 https://goodallpools.com/https-goodallpools-com-above-ground-pools-and-hot-tubs-catch-great-end-of-season-deals/ Just because pool season is wrapping up doesn’t mean it’s too late to go home with above-ground pools and hot tubs. With only a few more pages to turn on the calendar, it’s time for end-of-season deals on big-ticket items at Goodall Pools & Spas

So don’t close the book on your swim party plans. You may just be able to have a splash fest or two before fall officially begins. Better yet, you may find your way to swimming even when the snow comes! 

September Splash

It’s September. School is back in session. Work continues at its hustling pace. When all this happens, pool use winds down. As the swim season nears its end, pool dealers across the industry start clearing out the current year’s products to make way for next year’s merchandise.

At Goodall Pools & Spas, our September sales depend on what we have in stock, so stop by to see what we have available. September is also a great time to keep an eye out for great deals on both large and small items. For example, we’re offering sales on select pool equipment for both inground and above-ground pools. That way, you can enjoy at least one more September Splash before the next swim season arrives.

Above-Ground Pools

Above-ground pools have a significant advantage over their inground relatives. Their project scope is much smaller. While inground pools are dazzling, it takes a great deal of planning and labor to build them. There’s the financing phase. Then there’s the design phase followed by a meticulous building process that can last months. That’s why homeowners start their journey to an inground pool, from financing to swimming, as early as a year or two in advance.

With above-ground pools, it’s a very different story. You can have an above-ground pool in your yard in far less time than it would take to install an inground pool. In fact, Goodall Pools & Spas sells Radiant DIY above-ground pool kits. If you buy a kit from one of our stores, you could have a pool in your backyard as early as one week later!

Cost is another area in which above-ground pools have an advantage. By not requiring custom design, excavation, and plumbing systems that an inground pool does, above-ground pools come in at a fraction of the price. What’s better than a more affordable pool variety? A more affordable pool variety that’s on sale!

Again, note that these end-of-season sales depend on what’s in stock. So if you’re curious about above-ground pools on sale, contact your nearest Goodall Pools location. We would be more than happy to let you know what we have available.

Hot Tubs

Like above-ground pools, hot tubs are more intimate in size and easier to install than inground pools. Thus, they are also a more affordable alternative to a custom inground pool. Furthermore, they provide the added benefit of a warm bathing environment. This enables their owners to enjoy a swimming experience even during snowy Pennsylvania winters.

At Goodall Pools & Spas, we carry Sundance® Spas and Viking Spas™. Each brand comprises multiple hot tub models, giving you various sizes to choose from. All you need to operate your hot tub is an electric power source. And you don’t need any special plumbing to fill the tub. Just a water hose. Most customers choose to keep their hot tubs outdoors, but you can install them indoors as well. Whatever brand or location you choose for your hot tub, a soothing, luxurious experience waits for you inside.

Like above-ground pools, hot tub sales depend on what is in stock. Check in frequently on your local hot tub dealers’ promotions page, follow them on social media, or sign up for email newsletters to get notified when hot tubs go on sale.

Above-Ground Pools and Hot Tubs in Central PA

Contact Goodall Pools & Spas today, and ask about any deals on above-ground pools and hot tubs. Better still, visit one of our five Central Pennsylvania locations and browse more products and promotions for your September Splash like toys, games, floats, cleaning equipment, pool and spa chemicals, and so much more!

Why Some Pool Chemicals Cost More Than Others https://goodallpools.com/why-some-pool-chemicals-cost-more-than-others/ Mon, 20 Jun 2022 16:00:00 +0000 https://goodallpools.com/https-goodallpools-com-why-some-pool-chemicals-cost-more-than-others/ If you find yourself scratching your head over prices while you browse the chemicals at the store, you’re not alone. Even people who have owned a pool for decades often wonder why some pool chemicals cost more than others. As is always the case with economics, there are several variables affecting the price of chemicals. Making sense of it all can be challenging. Here, we shed some light on the matter by highlighting three of the main reasons some pool chemicals sell for a higher price.

Not All Pool Chemicals Are Created Equal

People tend to think that a chemical is a chemical, and its quality does not vary between producers. Nope! Pool chemicals are like coffee. Many brands may look the same and undergo the same process for public consumption. But if you want a reliable pick-me-up, you have to be a bit of a connoisseur.

What does that look like when you’re shopping for pool chemicals? For starters, it means that the “value-sized” buckets of chlorine you occasionally see in the big box store are, in fact, just producers selling you more of a weaker product. In the end, you use more chlorine per dollar spent than if you would have simply purchased a higher-quality professional-grade product.

This happens because many subpar chemical producers dilute the product for the sake of increased volume. The buyer, in effect, is stuck with a pool chemical equivalent of watered-down coffee. Excessive doses of chlorine in pool water can cause eye and skin irritation. It can also cause deterioration of pool surfaces. Remember, you get what you pay for.

Or maybe you don’t get what you paid for. As we’ve seen over the past year, vendors everywhere have raised prices on their products to keep pace with inflation. That means when you shop in those big box stores, you may not see much of a price difference between their chlorine and that of a professional-grade product, but you would see a huge difference in quality. This phenomenon is a perfect segue into the next reason on our list.

Supply Chains Cause Price Fluctuations

The laws of supply and demand have been especially buzzworthy in recent years. The pool and spa industry was one of the sectors where demand skyrocketed overnight due to so many homeowners wanting to make quarantine life more enjoyable. Consequently, the demand for pool chemicals, especially chlorine, rose accordingly.

Compounding the issue is the fact that one key chlorine manufacturing facility went up in flames since the pandemic started. The result is what many in the pool industry have called “a perfect storm” in which chemical demand spikes while several suppliers are no longer in business. Competitors, in turn, must pick up the slack. Simply put, the market has not yet been able to regain its balance yet even with the recent hike in chlorine prices. Therefore, more pool owners are looking into chlorine alternatives like bromine and saltwater systems as temporary, if not permanent, solutions. For ideas on how to conserve your chlorine supply, check out our blog post, 5 Ways to Use Less Chlorine in Your Pool.

The Chemical Form Matters

Continuing with chlorine treatments as an example, your pool chemical salesperson may ask you, “Do you want tablets, powder, or liquid?” Each one has a different potency, chemical profile, and ideal application. Liquid chlorine, for example, contains about 12% chlorine, dissolves instantly, and can be used in either indoor or outdoor pools. Chlorine tablets, on the other hand, are far more potent (about 90% chlorine) and have a longer shelf life. However, they are really only suitable for outdoor pools, and they have a substantially longer dissolution rate (about a week). So, what makes more sense? Paying for a gallon of liquid chlorine or paying for a seven-pound container of tablets. Ultimately, it depends on the pool. These are the matters we can help you with at Goodall Pools & Spas. Visit our products page to view our wide selection of high-quality, professional-grade BioGuard® chemicals for all your pool sanitation needs today!

Pool Chemicals 101: The Basics https://goodallpools.com/pool-chemicals-101-the-basics/ Mon, 06 Jun 2022 16:00:00 +0000 https://goodallpools.com/https-goodallpools-com-pool-chemicals-101-the-basics/ Welcome to Goodall Pools & Spas’ Pool Chemicals 101! Here, you’ll learn about all of the chemicals and other pool supplies you’ll need to maintain your pool and where you can get them. Let’s get started!

Pool Chemicals: The Basic List You Need in Your Stock Closet

To balance your pool water’s chemistry, you’ll need more than just chlorine. The most basic list of pool chemicals you’ll need to care for your pool include:

  • Sanitizer: While this can be chlorine, there are also chlorine alternatives like bromine, biguanide, and even salt or mineral systems to keep your pool sanitized. We are happy to help you choose the sanitizer option that is best for your pool.
  • Stabilizer: A stabilizer like cyanuric acid helps stabilize your chlorine so that it doesn’t evaporate away, helping you buy less chlorine.
  • pH increaser or decreaser: These keep your pool’s pH levels in balance.
  • Alkalinity increaser or decreaser: Helps keep your sanitizer and pH levels in check and prevent scaling.
  • Calcium hardness increaser: Helps prevent corrosion, staining, and other pool surface damage from hard water.
  • Algaecide: Primarily used in the spring when you’re opening your pool, an algaecide helps eliminate and prevent algae growth in your pool.

Pool Supplies: Everything You Need in Your Pool Owners’ Tool Belt

robotic pool cleaner helps pool chemicals clean a pool
Along with pool chemicals, having supplies on hand like a robotic pool cleaner helps keep your pool clean.

Pool chemicals can only do so much to keep your pool clean. Some of the top pool supplies you’ll need to have on hand to care for and maintain your pool include:

  • Home water test kit or test strips: These kits or test strips will allow you to test your water on a weekly basis. They will tell you what chemicals you need to use to balance your pool’s water chemistry. If you have trouble reading your test results, have a bottle handy to take a water sample into our store for testing.
  • Skimmer net: A skimmer net on a pole helps remove debris from the surface of the water. This will keep your filter from getting clogged and your water from becoming unbalanced.
  • Pool vacuum or robotic pool cleaner: A pool vacuum or robotic pool cleaner sucks up and scrubs away debris that lands in hard-to-reach areas of your pool. Typically, you can set it to run while you’re away for the day, working or running errands.
  • Pool cover: A pool cover will keep out dirt and debris when your pool is not in use, as well as prevent the evaporation of chemicals. It’s a vital investment for any pool!

Where Do I Get Pool Chemicals and Supplies?

Trusted Local Pool Store

It’s tempting to buy chemicals and supplies from a big box store for a “better” price, but keep in mind that cheaper is not always better. It’s best to visit your local Goodall Pools supply store at any of our five locations: Camp Hill, Harrisburg, Lebanon, Carlisle, or Lancaster. We specialize in all things pools, including professional-grade chemicals like those from BioGuard®. There, you’ll be able to ask one of our team members familiar with our amazing pool products and have them answer questions you may have. You’ll receive better guidance on what chemicals and supplies your pool needs to be well cared for.

Online Pool Supplies

While you can easily order pool supplies online, be careful where you buy! You don’t want chemicals with tons of fillers and binders. Plus, you’ll want to be able to easily contact the company with any questions and concerns.

You can also order your products online from Goodall Pools. We’ll have your order ready quickly for local pick-up.

Get Pool Chemicals and Supplies at Goodall Pools & Spa

Whether you stop by one of our five locations or simply order from our online store, Goodall Pools and Spas has all of the pool chemicals and supplies you need to care for your pool. Visit us today!

Can I Get a Quality Above Ground Pool That Will Last Until My Kids Grow Up? https://goodallpools.com/can-i-get-a-quality-above-ground-pool-that-will-last-until-my-kids-grow-up/ Mon, 09 May 2022 16:00:00 +0000 https://goodallpools.com/https-goodallpools-com-can-i-get-a-quality-above-ground-pool-that-will-last-until-my-kids-grow-up/ Can I get a quality above ground pool that will last until my kids grow up? This is a valid question. Maybe your family is ready for a pool this year. And you want to invest in a pool that will last for many years so that you can all enjoy it together. 

Goodall Pools & Spas is currently celebrating our 60th year of operation in the pool and spa industry assisting the great people of Pennsylvania. When it comes to quality pool products, we have what you need. Here is a glimpse of what our above ground pools are like.

Time-Tested Above Ground Pools

First, let’s talk about the above ground pools that we carry at Goodall Pools. We have beautiful above ground pool options from Radiant Pools® that are time-tested pools. Their company had its beginning back in 1957 with the first-ever vinyl liner aluminum swimming pool. Since then, the company has continued to lead the way in pool innovation and technology. 

You’re wondering about how long an above ground pool will last you. These telling testimonials directly from Radiant Pools will put your mind at ease. Satisfied customers have had their pools last for generations, which is exactly what you want in an above ground pool.

Affordable, Attested Above Ground Pools

Next, you definitely want to find an above ground pool that you can afford which also has the long-lasting quality you’re looking for. Remember that a cheap above ground pool is not the same as a quality above ground pool. Radiant Pools are affordable – an investment that is worth its weight in gold. 

They also have a reputation of excellence. From safety to strength, Radiant is the name to know in the world of above ground pools. These pools are manufactured with materials that are environmentally friendly as well as energy efficient. This means that you will be saving money on operational costs with a high-quality above ground purchase. 

Inclusive DIY Installation Above Ground Pool Kits

Can I get a quality above ground pool that will last until my kids grow up? Yes, and there’s one more thing you need to know about the amazing pools we sell. Most above ground pools come in inclusive DIY installation kits. That means that you can assemble the pool yourself – as soon as you’re ready.

These installation kits come with most everything that you need as you launch into the role of pool owner. You will get the walls as well as the liner for the inside. A ladder is also included for a safe, sturdy entryway into the pool. The pump and filter are part of the kit as well. And to complete the ensemble, you will receive some start-up chemicals and vacuum supplies.

Homeowners love the simplicity of this inclusive purchase. Once the pool is assembled, you will have all that you need to fill it and prepare it for the first swim season of many. Anytime you need pool equipment or supplies, we have five retail locations for your convenience. 

Goodall Pools also offers Prestige Pool Maintenance if you ever need a break from doing your own pool care. From our newest location in Mechanicsburg to Lebanon, our technicians care for pools all over the area. Once you get a quality above ground pool, we can help ensure that it will last well after they grow up. “We create sparkling water and lifelong memories for all of our customers, every day.” 

5 Ways to Use Less Chlorine in Your Pool https://goodallpools.com/5-ways-to-use-less-chlorine-in-your-pool/ Mon, 02 May 2022 16:00:00 +0000 https://goodallpools.com/https-goodallpools-com-5-ways-to-use-less-chlorine-in-your-pool/ Looking for ways to preserve your chlorine supply this year? Goodall Pools & Spas can help. Here are five ways to use less chlorine in your pool. Pool stores everywhere are trying to help their customers to make the most use of the chlorine they do have available for the busy days of pool season.

Due to the unforeseen chlorine shortage across the nation in recent years, we have worked at finding creative ways to use less chlorine in general. Here is what you need to know about lessening your need for chlorine.

Clean Bodies Lessen Chlorine’s Workload

The first way to use less chlorine in your pool is to make sure that clean bodies are entering the pool. This will help to lessen the chlorine’s workload. In other words, the pool is not a replacement for the tub or shower.

Rinsing off before going for a swim is a great way to reduce the number of pollutants that enter the water. And in turn, the chlorine will last longer to do its important work — sanitize the water. 

Functioning Filters Are a Friend of Chlorine 

Another great way to use less chlorine in your pool is to keep the filter clear and active. The filter does the heavy cleaning of the water. So when the filter is active, the chlorine can also extend its usefulness. 

Be sure to do regular checks of the filter to take out any large debris that gets caught and to ensure that all is functioning as it should be. And let the pump run a sufficient amount of hours daily in order to do a complete turnover of the water – moving it all through the filter.

Rely on Secondary Products

There are a variety of water clarifiers and other products on the market that help to remove contaminants in your water that chlorine would typically have to handle. 

Enzyme-based water clarifiers are great at removing sweat, sunscreen, hygiene products, pollen, and more from your water. Oxidizing shock is another great way to make the existing chlorine in your water more effective and stretch its lifespan.

Consistent Water Tests Are Crucial for Chlorine Monitoring

Another tip for chlorine reduction is this: do consistent water tests. Balanced water chemistry is crucial for many reasons. In order to monitor the amount of chlorine that is in the water, you need to regularly check the chemical levels. Chlorine is necessary for clean, clear water. And with consistent tests, you can be conscientious about only adding chlorine when it is actually needed.

Experienced Technicians Are Easy to Talk To

5 Ways to Use Less Chlorine in Your Pool

We have made it the last of our last of five tips about preserving the chlorine that is available for your DIY pool maintenance. Discuss alternatives with your local pool experts at Goodall Pools. We carry BioGuard® pool chemicals — also trusted pool care experts. 

We have experienced technicians at all of our five retail locations who are easy to talk to. In fact, our family-owned company has been helping Pennsylvanians with their pools for 60 years now. From our brand new store in Mechanicsburg to our other locations in the area, our teams are here to help with all of your pool needs. 

We also provide Prestige Pool Maintenance for anyone who wants to leave the chlorine conservation up to the experts. Contact us anytime to get on our service list. Better yet, come see us today!

When Is the Right Time to Open My Swimming Pool in Pennsylvania? https://goodallpools.com/when-is-the-right-time-to-open-my-swimming-pool-in-pennsylvania/ Mon, 25 Apr 2022 16:00:00 +0000 https://goodallpools.com/https-goodallpools-com-when-is-the-right-time-to-open-my-swimming-pool-in-pennsylvania/ When is the right time to open my swimming pool in Pennsylvania? This is a good question — one that we hear often at Goodall Pools. In fact, we’ve been answering this very query for exactly 60 years now. Our company has expanded over the decades. We now have five locations available to help families with their water care needs, including a brand-new store in Mechanicsburg. Warmer temperatures bring with them a strong anticipation of the swimming season. So let’s talk about getting your pool open and ready for enjoyment. 

Act Now! There’s No Time Like the Present

First, the ideal time for pool openings here in Pennsylvania is actually now — from early to mid-spring. Although you may not be using the water for a few more weeks, you want to let the pool have time to breathe after its long season of dormancy. 

Opening the pool now gives the chemicals time to properly clean the water and clear it up for swim season. Allowing the sun to start warming up the water is also a plus. And this extra time also gives the pool equipment time to run so that you can ensure that all is in order before the action begins. When temperatures are consistently around 65℉, you can safely uncover the pool in preparation for the countless pool days ahead.

Prepare for the Pool’s Annual Premiere

Next, you want to start immediately preparing for the pool’s annual premiere. We have excellent pool care products to make the task of opening the pool as painless as possible. From the BioGuard® pool chemicals to the amazing automated cleaners and pool equipment we carry, you can make one stop for all your pool necessities.

Shopping now is ideal. You can collect all of your supplies while the selection is freshly stocked. And you can also get first dibs on the fun pool accessories and toys too.

Planning for a Professional Pool Opening? Act Promptly!

Finally, you are definitely not the only one wondering about when is the right time to open a swimming pool in PA. If you don’t have time to do the opening yourself this year, our service department’s opening services are available for you. We have skilled technicians who do routine pool service for people all across Pennsylvania.

But don’t wait until summer is almost here to schedule the opening of your swimming pool. Our teams are always busy, especially this time of year. The closer we get to summer, the longer the wait might be for your pool opening. 

When Is the Right Time to Open My Swimming Pool in Pennsylvania?

Now is the time! Come by to get all that you need for your annual DIY opening. Or contact our service department to get your pool opening scheduled. “We create sparkling water and lifelong memories for all of our customers, every day.” This is true for new customers as well as customers who’ve been part of our family for years.

Can I Get an Above Ground Pool My Whole Family Will Enjoy? https://goodallpools.com/above-ground-pool-my-whole-family-will-enjoy/ Mon, 11 Apr 2022 16:00:00 +0000 https://goodallpools.com/https-goodallpools-com-above-ground-pool-my-whole-family-will-enjoy/ Has your family been begging for a swimming pool for the backyard? You are not alone! Pools are in demand every year around this time. Maybe you’re wondering, “Can I get an above ground pool my whole family will enjoy?” Yes, this is definitely possible. Goodall Pools has been assisting the people of Pennsylvania with their swimming pool requests for 60 years. Let us tell you all about the great above-ground pools we have to offer you and your family.

All-Around Affordable 

First, an above ground pool is an affordable pool that many families can easily work into their budget. At Goodall Pools & Spas, we carry above ground beauties from Radiant Pools® that are made 100% in the United States.

These pools are built with durable materials that are also environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. And there is also a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects with the purchase of a Radiant swimming pool. So the above ground pool cost that you put in one time will repay you in more ways than one!

Simple Set-up

Next, most above ground pools, no matter the brand, come in a DIY kit that is simple to set up. You can get your pool up and running as soon as your schedule allows. Then your loved ones will be thanking you as often as they bugged you about getting a pool! 

Homeowners love the convenience of having all that they need to install the above ground pool included with their pool purchase. With a Radiant Pool, you obviously get the walls and liner for the pool. A pump and filter as well as a ladder are also included in the kit. And you will get the start-up chemicals and some vacuum supplies as well. 

Enough Elbow Room

Space is definitely another factor to consider when you are talking about entertaining the entire family. This brings up the question about the pool size that you have in mind. 

You can look at our gallery of pools to give you an idea of the above ground pools that are possibilities for your yard. There are various shapes and sizes to choose from. And there are also all kinds of ways to customize your pool to make it uniquely yours. Our knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect pool that will accommodate you and all those you plan to share it with. 

When you make your final selection of the long-awaited above ground pool, Goodall Pools also has premier pool products from energy-efficient equipment to automatic pool cleaners to help you keep the pool running smoothly. Our company has five convenient retail locations to serve you, from Carlisle to Lebanon and the areas surrounding that too. We have a legacy of being a family-owned and operated company that treats our customers like family too. 

Our mission is this: “We Create Sparkling Water and Lifelong Memories for All of Our Customers, Everyday.” Stop by anytime and let our family serve yours. Let us help you get the sparkling water that will make your lifelong memories unforgettable.

How Much Do Above Ground Pools Cost and How Long Do They Last? https://goodallpools.com/how-much-do-above-ground-pools-cost-and-how-long-do-they-last/ Mon, 21 Mar 2022 16:00:00 +0000 https://goodallpools.com/https-goodallpools-com-how-much-do-above-ground-pools-cost-and-how-long-do-they-last/ Getting a swimming pool for your backyard is exciting. And it also means that you want to know which type of pool will be the best option for your family. There are many types of pools available. Perhaps you are strongly considering an above ground pool. So just how much do above ground pools cost and how long do they last? 

Goodall Pools has been helping the people of Pennsylvania with their swimming pool needs for close to six decades, in the Susquehanna Valley and beyond. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is here to help you as you learn all of the details you want to know about an above ground pool. 

Above Ground Pool Costs to Consider

First, let’s talk about the costs of an above ground pool. The initial investment for an above ground pool is considerably lower than the cost of in-ground fiberglass or vinyl liner pools. This fact alone often helps families make the decision to get an above ground pool. The above ground pool cost will be determined by a few factors. 

Obviously, the brand of pool will have an impact on the price, as each company builds their swimming pools a little differently. The size and shape of the pool can alter the total cost a little bit as well. At Goodall Pools, we have amazing above ground pool options from Radiant® Pools. The pools come in DIY kits that are equipped with mostly everything that you will need to successfully get your pool up and running with very little hassle. 

These high-end swimming pools last much longer than typical above ground pools. Currently, in 2022, our Radiant kits are about $12,000. You get the pool walls, a vinyl liner, a pump and filter, a ladder, start-up chemicals, and even some vacuum supplies with a kit purchase. 

Once your pool is in use, you will need to remember to figure the costs of upkeep and running the pool into your monthly budget as well. Goodall Pools has all of the pool maintenance items that swim season will require. From Bioguard® pool chemicals to the pool accessories you can’t live without, we’ve got what you need.

Extent of Enjoyment to Expect

Second, let’s look at how long you can expect to enjoy an above ground pool. Some above ground pools are not built to last and need to be replaced within an average of 7-15 years. However, when you purchase a quality above ground pool, the lifespan increases greatly. 

In fact, Radiant Pools guarantee their above ground pools for life because they have complete confidence in their manufacturing. Here is the lifetime warranty information for Radiant Pools to give you the peace of mind that your investment will be completely worth it.

Radiant Pools are extremely durable. Their engineering comes from technology that was originally designed for NASA. Their brand is reliable and has been around for 65 years. Having an above ground pool from Radiant means having a safe swimming pool that is guaranteed to last for generations to come.

We’ve answered your valid questions about how much do above ground pools cost and how long do they last. Let us also reassure you that Goodall Pools has pool financing options available when you are ready to get the above ground swimming pool your family will love. Come see us at one of our five stores today!

Should You DIY Your Pool Opening or Hire a Professional? Here’s What You Need to Know https://goodallpools.com/diy-your-pool-opening-or-hire-a-professional/ Mon, 14 Mar 2022 16:00:00 +0000 https://goodallpools.com/https-goodallpools-com-diy-your-pool-opening-or-hire-a-professional/ Spring will soon make its annual appearance. With the warmer weather comes the urge to get your pool ready for swim season. So now comes the big decision. Should you DIY your pool opening or hire a professional? Here’s what you need to know about preparing your pool for endless enjoyment. 

Goodall Pools has been helping homeowners with all of their pool care needs for six decades. Let’s discuss what you need to open that centerpiece of fun, where to get the best supplies, and who to contact for help if your free time is in short supply.

What a Pool Opening Includes

First, let’s look at how to open a swimming pool. When do you plan the big event? What will you need to make the process as simple as possible? How do you begin?


Plan to get the pool up and running in early spring. Even if you are not using the water right away, you will be allowing it to breathe in preparation for the lazy days of summer. This helps to circulate the water that has been still for months to prevent algae growth.

Maybe you are concerned about temperatures dipping below freezing after you’ve uncovered the pool. If you keep the pump on during those times, the water will stay in motion and be okay. So don’t wait too long to open the pool because algae growth is a real issue that can also be expensive to remedy.


You will need to have chemicals to add to the water to get it ready for action. A pool clarifier like Pool Opening Complete® is a great chemical to start with when you wake the pool from its long winter’s nap. It is designed to work well in cool water, which means this is the opportune time to use it. You also want to add an algaecide and shock treatment to get the water on track quickly. 


When you get started, carefully remove the pool cover. Make sure that it dries completely. Then store it until you will need it again. 

Also, get all of the pool’s equipment back into place. Check to make sure that everything is running properly after you are certain that the water level is where it should be. Balance the water chemistry too, after everything has had a day or two to do its job.

Where to Get Premier Pool Supplies in Pennsylvania

Goodall Pools & Spas has the premier pool supplies that people in Pennsylvania rely on. We carry BioGuard® pool chemicals that have an excellent reputation with pool owners who tackle DIY maintenance. Our in-store water testing is also helpful when you’re getting the pool back up and running for the year. 

Who Can Provide Professional Pool Care

So should you DIY your pool opening or hire a professional? Here’s what you need to know about professional help with pool openings in PA. Goodall Pools has five locations for your convenience. You decide if you can handle the pool opening or if you want our experienced team to do it for you. 

We offer Prestige Pool Maintenance with various options for service, depending on your needs. When your schedule doesn’t leave you much wiggle room, our team is ready to care for your pool for you. Need help opening? No problem. Want regularly scheduled cleanings? Also no problem. Contact us anytime!
